

Doha | Qatar

One Million Awareness Text Messages to Workers on Corona

The “Better Communication” program, one of Ministry of Transport and Communications (MOTC) initiatives, which aims to raise the digital culture among expatriate workers, has been able to send more than one million text messages with awareness links related to the new Coronavirus “Covid 19” to workers in different regions of the country, in different languages, in order to ensure expatriate workers have access to the correct information about this virus, and inform them of ways to prevent it, within the framework of the efforts made by the State of Qatar to limit the spread of this global epidemic.

This achievement comes within the national efforts made by MOTC in cooperation with the Ministry of Administrative Development, Labor and Social Affairs to raise awareness of 1.5 million expatriate workers electronically about Coronavirus, in several languages, as well as continuous coordination with the government contact center at MOTC to add the languages of workers to the 16000 hotline of the emerging virus.

Source: Hukoomi


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