

Doha | Qatar

Qatar participates in emergency meeting of Arab FMs

Qatar participated in the emergency meeting of the Arab League Council at the level of Arab foreign ministers, which was held via video conference on Thursday.

HE Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Sultan bin Saad al-Muraikhi represented Qatar in the meeting which was held upon the request of Palestine and chaired by Oman.

The meeting discussed the measures that could be taken by the Arab countries towards the Israeli plan to annex the West Bank or parts of the Palestinian territories occupied in 1967, especially the Jordan Valley and the West Bank (Area C).

The meeting also discussed providing the Arab financial safety net to enable the government of the State of Palestine to confront the damages caused by the novel coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic and the Israeli measures that inflict more losses on the Palestinian budget, through withholding clearing and tax funds.

Source: gulf-times


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